Rush seems pretty diplomatic about the whole episode. I'm surprised he didn't want to paste one on Smelly across the snoot.Trivia:
+ When Rush called the Tisdel house, Mildred was taking a music lesson.
+ Smelly Clark works every weekend at his uncle's barbershop in Towanda. (Add another barber to the many barbers mentioned on the show.)
+ Rush says he generally patronizes the Butler House Hotel barbershop. Vic does also. Rush did not mention which particular barber there was his.
+ Smelly attempted to give Rush the "Feather Flow Sheik Dip" haircut, which is modeled after the 1942 airplanes!
+ Vic tries to quote P.T. Barnum ('There's one born every minute') but attributes the quote to Thomas Edison.
Download the complete commercial-free, sound-improved episode!
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