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Sade though, starts nagging him about the photo shoot, because he's just gotten rid of a cold and still has a sore throat. He holds his ground with Sade, who eventually gives up (something she almost never does). Then, as a seeming gesture of peace, he changes his plan entirely!
SEE THE SCRIPT (part 1) (part 2)
In the previous set of notes I had for this episode (in which there was no script) the show seemed almost pointless -- at the least, boring and lifeless.Perhaps the script was not read closely when the notes were taken because what we have here is very solid material.
The comedy is set up by Vic being in a hurry, as his pal, Charley Foss (the newspaper guy who wants Vic to pose for a photo), is outside in his car waiting for Vic to get his swim trunks. This same kind of setup would be used in 41-01-24 Boss Waits in the Car.
When Sade finds out what's going on, she immediately begins trying to derail his plans. Is she really concerned about his health, or is she more worried about throwing a monkey wrench into her husband's plans?
Vic, however, comes up with a spur-of-the-moment 'Plan B', which, really, makes him the winner of the showdown -- a very, very rare moment, indeed. In fact, this is the only episode I can find where Sade calls her husband, 'Victor'.
Vic, though, seems thoroughly confused, later telling Sade, "You win." But realize that he was originally going to wear swim trunks, yet his final plan has him in his ceremonial robe! And for good measure, Hank Gutstop (the person on the show that Sade dislikes the most) takes Vic's place. The elaborate metamorphosis exists for all to see! Eh, or maybe not. It is just a radio script. Maybe it was all planned that way or maybe not. I like to think the genius Rhymer knew exactly what he was doing.
+ Mr. Johnson, Rush's unusual dog, had been in a fight with a neighbor dog (Tiger -- who belongs to Cecil Lutz.)
+ Though we are teased many times, we never do find out what Sade has prepared for lunch.
+ Charley Foss is a member of the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way.
+ When Sade asks Vic where he will change into his swim trunks at the lake, Vic explains that Foss has side curtains on his car. Okay, maybe so... but why? The more you think about it, the funnier it gets. It's not hilarious or anything, but it makes you want to believe Paul Rhymer has Foss driving a hearse.
Side Curtains are removable pannels that took the place of windows in some old open cars.