Uncle Fletcher's just gotten back from Dixon and he tells the family about the trip up and back and about the people he saw in Dixon.
Though he mixes a few things up, Uncle Fletcher's stories are legendary.Trivia:
+ Uncle Fletcher has made it a life-long practice to give railroad conductors something to nibble on as it puts them in a good humor.
+ McClellan was Uncle Fletcher's conductor on the train coming back from Dixon. He ate one and a half chocolate cupcakes Fletcher gave him.
+ People that Uncle Fletcher saw while in Dixon: Cooley Miller, Art Sykes, Vern Adams, Cliff Dirtshirt and his brother Charlie Dirtshirt.
+ Cliff Dirtshirt is planning on moving to Baltimore, Delaware. When he gets there, he plans on marrying a girl 31 years old and they will go into the live bait business. As a sideline, he will take on piano pupils as he plays the piano.
+ Reasons for Cliff Dirtshirt taking up the piano:
- Snow storm
- Complete stranger came up to him on the street and tried to sell him tennis shoes
- His cousin married a girl 16 and a half years old
+ Lathe Montgomery used to be a waterboy for the railroad gang in Dixon. He now lives in Des Moines, Kansas. He married a woman 22 years old. He went into the non-removable varnish business. He was working on an an invention to keep lawnmowers getting clogged up with grass in weather.
- He read in the paper where a fellow lived in Philadelphia, Ohio and took an automobile apart with a hairpin
+ Uncle Fletcher brought back a leather sofa cushion filled with genuine Missouri sand. It was gathered from the banks of the Mississippi River near Hannibal. It weighs close to 60 pounds.
+ He brought back a leather dresser scarf with, "The big catfish are biting in the slews behind LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Uncle Ted" written on it.
+ He also brought back a horsehair watch fob that was made by Cliff Dirthshirt.
+ Uncle Fletcher refers to Sade twice in this episode when it was actually Rush talking to him.
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