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32-07-12 Vic Gets the New Job

  • Sade has difficulty waking Vic. He hasn't slept much, worrying over his job, and he doesn't look well.  He insists he needs to go in because someone will get Frank Whitson's job. He berates himself because they're broke and he's a washout. Sade calls the office and baby's him. Mis' Fisher   phones and is nosy, wondering what Vic is doing home.
  • Vic says the (proposed adopted) boy can't come; Sade won't hear of it.
  • Mr. Ruebush calls to ask about Vic's health and says nothing about the job, which Vic assumes to mean Charley Kilgore got the job. Vic's very upset, having devoted five energetic years to the company and having taught Charley everything he knows about the business.
  • There's a voice outside: "We want Vic Gook! We want the new boss!" Vic and Sade both cry. Vic goes out on the porch to address the gathering. Sade doesn't want him going out there wearing pajamas, but he's too thrilled to be  embarrassed. - compiled by Barbara Schwarz, edited by Jimbo Mason
This seems to be another dramatic episode, although it's hard to tell without hearing the audio, which I am afraid will never surface. (Although isn't it nice to go through these early episodes anyway?)

I'm not a fan of these maudlin Vic and Sade episodes, especially since they seem to have both Vic and Sade as very emotional. While Vic's nature is show his feelings readily (especially anger and happiness) Sade, as we know her post-series, isn't quite as open. It's interesting to see how these things changed.

It's also interesting how these episodes don't seem funny, either.

If Vic is 'broke', you wonder why he spent $34.00 on a new bicycle just days earlier?

The Mis' Fisher character seems like a Gladys Kravitz type (TV's Bewitched ) and I wonder where she disappeared to in the later years?

1 comment:

  1. Though a "serious" script, the relationship between characters at home and work (the story elements) are all there. I doubt Paul Rhymer would've stayed long as writer if the plot had stayed serious. His deft hand and comedic skills are just too clear from the body of later writing for him to have stayed with the serious plots. I do love these background story lines as basis for later ones
