Vic receives good news. He's been picked to adorn the cover of the Kitchenware Quarterly magazine.

Bum luck for Vic as Sade is actually gushing over him because of the honor. Usually snide, Sade is happy about the cover and mentions sending the magazine to her sister and brother-in-law on three separate occasions.Trivia:
+ Mena, Arkansas was mentioned again - recall that Mena is the home of Chet Lauck and Tuffy Goff (Lum and Abner.) The connection between the shows continues.
+ Rush says Mr. Gumpox has a collection of magazines with girls in bathing suits on the cover.
+ There are more than 50 Consolidated Kitchenware Plants.
+ The hierarchy at Consolidated Kitchenware Plant Number 14 looks like this:
J.K. Burroughs (President)The name "Raymond Belcher Beirman" again pops up. Recall that name as the driver of the milk wagon who gave the bad news to Mr. Gumnpox about Bernice (horse) dying. Not only that, but the name "RAYMOND BELCHER" mysteriously shows up in the Latin in Homer U. McDancey's A Manual For Wives of the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way. So now, his full name shows up as one of the hierarchy at Consolidated Kitchenware, Plant Number 14... Very mysterious.
S.B. Price (General Sales Manager)
Samuel B Grook (Director of Personnel)
Edson G. Thomas (Vice President in Charge of Plant Coordination)
N. W. Kilgore
Chrles J. Flinch
O.I. Chievly
J. Lewis Otto
Harrison U. Loope
M.S. Dawson
Felix Flank
R. B. Plugge
Howard U...
+ Vic plans on practicing facial expressions in the mirror for his cover picture.
Rush asks his father for a dime, then a nickel (edited): {{{HEAR}}}
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