SEE THE SCRIPT (part 1) (part 2)
Rush says Rooster Davis read a book where "some French explorer was traveling through the Sahara Desert in the blistering sun and the natives began missing him... and so went looking for him; all they found was a small pool of liquid. They poured him into a bottle and took the bottle to France and gave it a decent burial."
The above story is one I really wish I could hear. I think it would be a 'Rush classic'.
By the way, you may not realize that there is a very high probability that Mis' Appelrot and Ruthie are in-laws. Although, I'm not 100% sure of this.
Hot day? All three characters in this episode comment about the heat. The "Heat Wave of 1937" was apparently pretty bad, although I don't have the data to prove it. I did find a newsreel about it though:
Bess had written a letter to Sade about a month before this (actually, August 9, 1937) which Vic had put into his suit and had forgotten about. It was found in late 1940.
The letter gives details about the very hot 1937 Summer they were experiencing in Carberry: Bess says "The thermometer has been in the 90's even in the evening" and tells of a neighbor up the street "Going barefooted these terrible, hot days."
Below is a special note from Barbara Schwarz attached to the script obtained from the University of Wisconsin library:

Hawaii and especially the "Hawaiian guitar" craze, were a big deal. Hawaii was sort of a U.S. Eden, exotic and safe . . . until December 7, 1941.