+ Lazy Hours Pool Hall - Sometimes offers coupons for free dish of cole slaw with every game of billiards on Thursday night. Hank Gutstop is known to frequent here until closing time. The pool hall closes at midnight. On the seedy side of the tracks, near the Bright Kentucky Hotel.
+ Miller Park - There is a zoo there. They have picnic grounds. They have a new baboon as of December 1941. There is a lake there. Books are sometimes found there!
+ Dillman Dells - Public picnic area near the creek. My research shows that it's probably a part of Miller Park.

+ Courthouse Lawn - A place to congregate - mainly for the seedier elements of society, but this also includes Uncle Fletcher. This group is known to discuss politics there and sometimes sleep on the lawn, depending on the temperature. A basic roster of people who hang out there would include almost anyone who lives at the Bright Kentucky Hotel.
+ The Palace - The movie theater in Hopewood.
+ Indoor Horseshoes - Rush sometimes played indoor horseshoes at Earl Keefer's house. When Hank Gutstop had a house, he had indoor horseshoes there as well. However, the main focus of indoor horseshoes in the show is in Ike Kneesuffer's basement. Only a select few seem play there, most especially Vic. Russell once played indoor horseshoes at Kneesuffer's house.
+ Purple Room at the Butler House Hotel - Place where Vic went to eat with Mr. Buller. Vic and Mr. Ruebush often treat visiting CK bigwigs from Chicago to an evening there. This is a place of exotic entertainment as well, including Pom Pom Cordova and Lolita di Rienzi playing unusual musical instruments.
+ Little Tiny Petite Pheasant Feather Tea Shoppy - Small eating venue with only three tables, Located on the corner of Madison and Monroe streets. Owned by Mrs. Idler Grice, who is also the cook. Hank Gutstop worked there for one day as a "hostess." Some Thimble Club ladies finacially backed Pom Pom Cordova as she took over management in 1944.
+ Cafeteria - (not to be confused with the high school cafeteria) We don't know much about it. The Gooks were to go here in this episode; in another episode, Sade talks about the cafeteria and says Fred Stembottom hides olives in his mashed potatoes there so he won't have to pay for them.
+ Glowworm Hamburger Palace - Not much is known about the eatery; obviously they are famous for their "hamburger sandwiches" (as they were called back in the Gooks' day.)
+ Sacred Stars of the Milky Way Lodge - Vic's lodge.+ Thimble Club - Club that Sade attends where the ladies gossip and assumingly, sew. The club rotates from one member's house to the other. Sometimes has lecturers visit to give talks, such as Dr. Seaver, who spoke about icebergs in Illinois.
+ Better Businessman's Club - Meets at the Butler House Hotel. Once had brain surgeon/polo player Fowler D. Sockers give a lecture.
+ Sisters of the Shining Sea Sorority - Women's group that uses the space next to the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way in the Unity building. The only other thing known about them is that they had a stack of old phonographs and once loaned them to Vic.
+ Gerhart's Shoe store - Mr. Loppers works there.
+ Middleton's - A grocery store/meat market. Tom Packett works there.
+ Silver's - Department store located downtown.
+ Yamilton's - Department store located downtown; has a revolving door. They often have great sales on wash rags. The underwear department there seems to be frequented often by members of the Thimble Club. Erwin Huggins works in footwear. Mr. White works there. At Christmas, the store puts up decorations in the windows. Has a grocery department.
+ Emson's Shoe store - Shoe store probably located downtown. Mr. Finn works there. They sell Sade brown shoe laces often.
+ Roger's - Department store located downtown.
+ Buttleman's Furniture store - On Center Street. An awkward foot-stool was bought there for Mr. Ruebush's Christmas present.
+ Croucher's Meat Market - Grocery store/butcher shop that seems to sell vegetables cheaply. Clarence ('Flea Bite') works there and delivers groceries as does Irvin.
+ Five and Ten (aka Dime Store) - They once gave away free root beer samples. They have a weighing machine.
+ Emson's Jewelry - Jewlery store fixes watches and clocks. Near Kleeburgers.
+ Goelzer's - A grocery store mentioned in 1933.
+ Giese's drug store - Drug store mentioned in 1932. They serve food.
+ Mulraney's Jewelry - Vic bought a wristwatch for Sade's birthday from the owner.
+ drug store - They sell alarm clocks there. They sell ice cream there. They have a thermometer. They sell peanut butter sandwiches and milk shakes there.
+ Herder's Music store - It's owned by Mr. Herder. Vic tried to buy a Caribbean dream flute there and another time, a silver muted moonbean chime set.
+ Follerson's Hardware - Mentioned.
+ Holder Brothers Hardware - They sell chains for porch swings.
+ Cigar Store - Probably located on West Oakland Avenue. Vic frequents the store. Rush also had to go there for Ike Kneesuffer.
+ Fosters - Mentioned a couple of times. It's a store on Washington Street.
+ 7th Street - The tattoo parlor is located here.+ Allen Street - The Park End Church is located here.
+ Armstrong Avenue - Mis' Weekly lives there. It's west of the city, 7 blocks farther than the streetcar runs.
+ Calhoun Street - mentioned...
+ Chester Avenue - The Driscolls live there.
+ Clinton Boulevard - In 1939 this street was being torn up. Grandpa Snyder hangs around there.
+ Division Street - Blue Tooth Johnson was there once.
+ E. Chestnut Street - Mis' Klein lives on this street.
+ Elder Street - It's very near the Stembottom's house. Mis' Kilgore lives on this street.
+ Ellesworth Avenue - It's where Ellesworth Avenue Church is located.
+ Emerson Street - In October 1939, this street was under construction. A South and an East direction have been mentioned, which seems unlikely. Connects to Mason Street. There seems to be a strong likelihood that Emerson Junior High school is on this street.
+ Evans Street - Intersects with Kelsey Street. At this intersection, Mr. Gumpox's horse, Howard, stopped dead in his tracks at the same moment his sister Bernice died.
+ Franklin Street - Perhaps is the street that Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Emerson live on.
+ Graham Street - Howard bolted from this street.
+ Jefferson Street - Intersects Main Street.
+ Kelsey Street - The street where the alley meets behind the Gook house. The High School is on this street, the Tisdel and the Davis families live here as well (this according to the promotional map from Proctor and Gamble.) The interurban station is on this street.
+ Lee Street - Intersects with W. Monroe Street, near Tatman's vacant lot.
+ Madison Street - Intersects with Monroe Street. The Little Tiny Petite Pheasant Father Tea Shoppy is on this street, at the corner of Monroe.
+ Main Street - It intersects with Olive Street. It intersects Jefferson Street.
+ Market Street - Runs parallel to and is next to Monroe Street.
+ Mason Street - Connects to West Monroe Street and Emerson Street.
+ Mill Street - East and West. Fat Vogel lives at 718 West.
+ Monroe Street - Intersects with Madison Street. Intersects Lee Street near Tatman's vacant lot. Runs parallel to and is next to Market Street. Before 1932, the Gooks lived on this street.
+ Mulberry Street - The Decoration Day Parade took this route in 1937. Noah and Beulah Feeple live on this street. Also known as Mulberry Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Slotch also live on this street. The 'Stephenson girl' lives on this street.
+ Center Street - Tom Packett lives on North Center street.
+ Stockton Street - Mis' Adams lives on this North Stockton street.
+ Oak Street - mentioned... Mis' Voomer lives there.
+ Oakland Avenue - It's located between Mercer Avenue and Douglas Street. Probably a street with high property values. Mis' Schill lives on this street. Mr. and Mrs G.R. Hoker live on this street. Annabelle Hemstreet lives on this street. Allen McClutch lives on this street (way past the railroad tracks.) There is a West Oakland Avenue.
+ Olive Street - It intersects with Main Street. There was an accident here. If you stroll under the Olive Street viaduct and glance at the concrete abutment you'll see printed in letters 3 feet high in bright red paint the name "Allen McClutch".
+ Osade Street - Mr. Thrawley lives there.
+ Park Street - Art Armbruster lives on this street.
+ Prairie Street - mentioned. Also Called Prairie Avenue. It intersects Kelsey Street. It has few trees.
+ Center Street - A porch collapsed on this street. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Weeper live on this street. They were the hosts of a wedding party where the bride and groom rode away on a motorcycle.
+ Morris Avenue - Mis McFreemer lives there.
+ Sangamon Street - It's at least 4 miles away from the Gooks live. Where Sangamon intersects Warner Street, Rush says that's a tough neighborhood.
+ Seminary Avenue - Howard wound up here after his unexpected bolt. This is likely "far" away from the Gook house.
+ Tender Street - T.W. Vogel lives at #718.
+ Virginia Avenue - Street where the following families live: Gooks, Donahues, Calls, Davis, Hushers, McForpers, Brainfeebles and the Fishers - among others. The Wheelers also live on Virginia Avenue but farther down the street. It's pretty evident (from a promotional map) the courthouse is also on this street.
+ University Street - The following families live there: Razorscum and Mis' Harris (boarding house.) Also called University Avenue. According to the promotional map given away by Proctor and Gamble, the Stembottoms and Tisdales also live on this street. Gran'pa Miller presumably lives there.
+ W. Chestnut Street - Mrs. Thomas lives on this street. Mr. Gumpox and his mail-order bride Josephine lived there for a short time. The Murchison family lived in the 800 block.
+ W. Jefferson Street - Intersects (West) Morris Avenue.
+ W. Locust Street - Mis' Rogers lives here.
+ W. Morris Avenue - The 'other' Mis' McFreemer lives there. Intersects Jefferson. Intersects Route 66.
+ W. Market Street - This street has a streetcar. A new, (1941) fancy grocery store is there.
+ W. Monroe Street - The street where Melvin Stembottom got a job and Ruthie and Doreen Otto honked their horns. The street where Smelly Clark was hit on the head with a hammer by the telephone man. The Trogels and the Heddles live on this street. Mis' Glimpse lives on this street. It intersects with Lee Street.
+ Warner Street - At least 4 miles away from the Gook house. Where Warner intersects Sangamon Street; it is the really rough part of town.
+ Washington Street - It seems this street is across from the courthouse and reaches into the heart of the downtown shopping area. Fosters is located there and Yamilton's is close by, if not there.
+ Bright Kentucky Hotel - Shabby hotel near the busy, dangerous rail yard with the Lazy Hours Pool Hall also right there close. It Was supposed to be torn down 20 years prior when it was condemned by the city. Mis' Appelrot often petitions against it. The train engineers sometimes try and snatch food or throw hot coals through the windows when passing by (it's never explained why). There are massive restrictions and punishments for the people who live in the hotel (ie. combs chained to the dresser, etc.). A train once barreled through Mr. Gumpox's room. Charlie Urquhart is the day clerk and the manager. Smelly Clark's Uncle Strap works the nightshift there. Many of the town's bachelor residents live there, notably: Pelter Unbleet, Stacey Yopp, Y.I.I.Y. Skeeber, Rishigan Fishigan, Mr. Gumpox and B.B. Baugh. It is also a haven for barbers(!) who all work at the other hotel(!) The hotel is located FRIGHTENINGLY CLOSE to the railroad tracks; in fact, if the passing train is long enough and fast enough, it will shake sleeper's beds down the hall and they pass each other... Bill Idelson talked about the hotel: (((HEAR)))+ Butler House Hotel - Nice hotel. Has free stationary and pens on chains; also a reading room. At Christmas, has a Christmas tree. Home of the Purple Room restaurant; Vic has been known to eat there many times with Mr. Buller. Has a barber shop where Vic's lodge brother, Jim Sweeter is a barber there. Stacey Yopp is a barber there. Alf Musherton is a barber there.
+ Anderson-Carter Transit Company (aka A&C Transit Company) - Place that rents out wagons and horses to various self-employed people who use them, such as Mr. Gumpox and Raymond Belcher Beirman.+ Butler House Hotel Barbershop - Located inside the Butler House Hotel. It may well be the nicest barbershop in town. Vic gets his hair cut there by Jim Swooner, who has been his barber for many years. Stacey Yopp and Y.I.I.Y. Skeeber are also barbers there.
+ C and A Shops - (Chicago-Alton shops) The place where Uncle Fletcher had planned on having railroad rails cut into 4 foot strips weighing 440 pounds. Mr. Scrawler works there. (Next to C and A Depot.)
+ C and A Depot - (Chicago-Alton depot) The train station. It's next to the C and A Shops and also close to interurban station. The area is littered with railway tracks of one sort or another. At 8:30 pm about 16 switch engines change track and let off steam.
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C and A Roundhouse |
+ Consolidated Kitchenware, Plant Number 14 - Place where Vic works. It's not far from his house as he has walked to it on occasion, even in the bitter cold. Estimated location is Park Street and Clinton Boulevard. The phone number for the plant is #8956-W.
+ Courthouse - Unclear where it's located, but downtown, not far from the Gook house; probably on Virginia Avenue. The seedier men in town tend to hang out on the lawn around there, including Hank Gutstop and even Uncle Fletcher. Hank Gutstop has been seen sleeping on the lawn there. The bell from the courthouse can be heard at the Gook house on the hour and half hour.
+ Cutler Building - Building that Uncle Fletcher, Vic and Rush all wanted to go see get cleaned. Also, Fletcher's friend Dan Fuller was to be there. It's located near downtown but also off Kelsey Street; somewhere between Virginia Avenue and Rush's school.
+ Daily Pantagraph - Local newspaper. [To this day, it's Bloomington/Normal's newspaper.]
+ Edwards School - The Junior high school that Rush attended. (It is said -in the Barbara Schwarz notes- that Russell also attended this school, but that's a matter of debate, as Russell only attended high school on the show and was away somewhere near Chicago [Mr. Buller] when in junior high.)
+ Ellesworth Avenue Church - Located on Ellesworth Avenue. The church where Hank Gutstop thought he got a job singing.
+ Emerson High school - The high school that Rush and Russell attended. It's off Kelsey Street, roughly two blocks from the Gook house.
+ First Methodist Church - A tableau was presented there.
+ Herman Davis Coal Mine - The coal mine at the end of West Jefferson. Marie (Howard's sister) pulls one of the coal wagons.
+ Hospital (aka Browkaw Hospital) The hospital that Sade was in when she had her appendectomy (sometime prior to 1932), probably the hospital that housed the badly beaten Brick Mush man when his head was caught in the Yamilton's revolving door, and other various sick or injured people throughout the history of the show.
+ Miller Printing Company - Place where Sade got Christmas cards printed up.
+ Miller's gasoline station - Ed Huller and Ollie Flice run this gas station. Kelly Sanderson works there. Uncle Fletcher likes to hang around there and sometimes "works" there for free when the men go to lunch.
+ Park End Church - Located on Allen Street. Mis' Harris goes to church there.
+ Royal Throne 25 Cent Barber Shop - Owned by Ed Holvey, who also lives there. The shop is below street level. The phone number there is #8963-W.
+ Second Congregational Church - Church attended by T.W. Kleeburger (the owner of Kleeburger's Department store) who is an Elder there.
+ Williams' vacant lot - The first vacant lot used by Rush and his friends.
+ Seymour's vacant lot - The vacant lot of boyish and gentlemanly leisure before Tatman's vacant lot. A gas station was built on the lot in the mid-1930's. According to Rush, it was not just a playing field, but it was the place for the town's older gents to light up their pipes and mull around. This latter type of activity seems to have changed later to the courthouse lawn. Not known to be mentioned again after 1938.
+ Tatman's vacant lot - Rush plays there at times, usually baseball. Russell also plays ball there - both baseball and football. From, deduction, it seems to be located close to Consolidated Kitchenware's Plant #14, but there's no real way of knowing just how close.
+ Interurban train depot - Meet trains there. Hank Gutstop is sometimes asleep on the platform. It's on Kelsey Street. Uncle Fletcher and B.B. Baugh co-own a peanut vending machine there. Ernie Fadler works there and Uncle Fletcher sometimes works there for him at night. Also known as the Illinois Traction Depot.
+ Snow and Palmer Dairy - Emmett Fadler works there and Uncle Fletcher is sometimes a substitute delivery man for them.
+ Taxi - Their phone number is #6759-J.
+ Unity building - The building that holds Vic's lodge meetings. It's in the downtown district. Dr. Keevy's dental office connects to it. Also, the Sisters of the Shining Sea Sorority meets in a space that connects to the Sacred Stars' meeting place.