Ruthie Stembottom calls up Sade and tells her that she and her husband Fred are coming over; not to play "500" - but to show Vic and Sade how to budget their money. Fred is even bringing his blackboard with him.
Why doesn't Sade protest this? Doesn't she realize Vic is an accountant?
Meanwhile, Vic is livid. Fred is not his favorite person. As a matter of fact, Fred is probably the person on the show who Vic likes the least.
+ The avid Vic and Sade listener will find the "What flavor ice cream do you want?" exchange to be very funny in this episode. To make up for hurting Vic's feelings, Sade suggests tutti frutti and butterscotch flavors. Those flavors are completely out-of-bounds on the normal occasion. In the normal episode, Sade would say, "Fred hates that flavor" if they were even brought up. In this episode, however, it is Rush who has to play 'flavor referee' as Sade is trying to placate Vic. Finally, Sade tells Ruthie that Vic wants caramel flavor, another flavor which Sade knows perfectly well is a flavor that Fred detests.
Little bits of writing like this by Paul Rhymer is one of the reasons this show is so well-loved by so many people.
+ We find out that the drug store sells peanut butter sandwiches along with milk shakes.
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