Russell runs home to get his football helmet but makes the mistake of checking the mail and bringing in a letter Sade received from her sister, Bess Helfer.

To make matters worse, this is the longest letter from Bess we have heard!
For the first time, we get to hear Russell at his very best and he's enjoyable to listen to.The episode ends oddly because it fades out with Russell and Sade talking at the same time about two entirely different subjects.
+ Mis' Hollway was mentioned for the first time. She was born and raised in Carberry.
+ Sade plans to meet Ruthie Stembottom and Mis' Holloway at Dr. Keevy's office. He's the dentist who took the photo of Vic for the magazine article.
+ Sade says that button cost almost a nickel.
+ Mis' Sutton was mentioned for the first time. She is Russell's English teacher. He was let of school early this day because she had to give a speech about the poet Tennyson for the Senior Mother's Club.
+ Sade calls Russell, "Mr. Man" and "Mr. Hoosh."
+ It appears that somewhere in the missing episodes, Beulah Feeple and Sade have become friends - or at least gossiping buddies. However, in this episode, Sade calls her, "Beulah Erickson" - did she get a divorce from Noah Feeple?
+ Euncie Helfer has another new piano teacher; previously there was Agnes Peterson (she only had one leg) and then there was Mis' Snell. Now she's under the tutelage of Mis' Hendrix.
Euncie is also wanting fancy didos on her nightgown.
+ Mr. Crowell in Carberry passed away. He is survived by a daughter named Agnes who is close to 70 years old. Mr. Crowell lived near Edith Brauns.
In other Carberry news, Grace McCutley will marry Mr. Hunkers who manages the new Ten Cent store.
Sade acts silly on the telephone with Ruthie: {{{HEAR}}}
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