The patrons, however, was even more interesting than the events on screen. The Bijou has been the scene for tragedy (such as the time Blue Tooth Johnson threw the theater into consternation when he fell out of a broken seat) to triumph (as when Smelly Clark first publicly escorted his lady friend.) The Bijou may not have been a movie palace, but its silver shadows and red-blooded audience made it a place of perpetual wonder. - Sarah Cole (((HEAR)))
Films we know about:
+ Gloria Golden: Foreign Legion Farewell
+ Gloria Golden: Broken Hearts Versus Mother Love
+ Gloria Golden: You Are My Own Wonderful Husband, Subaltern Gleek
+ Gloria Golden: Yours Is A Magnificent Love, Petty-Officer Griswold
+ Gloria Golden: Smoldering Teardrops
+ Gloria Golden: Only My Baby of Brilliant Broadway (from John T. Hetherington's book, p.117)
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:I Shall Love Thee Evermore, Lieutenant Corporal Glush
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
I Am Distracted With Love For You, Assistant Umpire Williamson
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Gazing Into Your Eyes Like This is Heaven, Assistant Umpire Drake
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Kiss Oh Kiss These Lips of Mine, Assistant Trailer-Camp Manager Anderson.
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman were in an unknown film.
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Your Stolen Hugs and Kisses Are So Sweet, Emergency Balloon Parachutist Gregory
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
One More Kiss Esther and then I'll Put on My First Baseman's Mitt and Go to My Position at First Base for the Third Inning
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Take This Dropping Heart Of Mine, Assistant Straw Boss Williamson
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
I Place My Heart in Your Hands, Part-time Freight Agent Lewis
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
High Society Hatred
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Tender Love and Sweet Romance is Bustling in New York City from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
My Love Has Turned to Hate from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
You're the Cowpuncher of My Dreams, Foreman Hastings from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
You Are My Moonlit Dream of Love, Apprentice Able-bodied Seaman McFish from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
My Heart is in Your Hands, Master Sergeant Irwin Strohm from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Love Lingers On, Assistant Deputy Game Warden Rogers from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
My Love for You is Failing, Failing, Failing, Assistant Caddymaster Henderson from an unknown episode
+ Gloria Golden and Four-Fisted Frank Fuddleman:
Give Me the Moonlight and You, Pool and Billiard Trickshot Artist William from an unknown episode
+ Annabel Ainsworth: Madness Beneath the Moon+ Hinman Hawk: The Mystery of the Trampled Torso
+ Hector Harwood: (in an unnamed movie)
+ Gilmore Griswold: The Four Gun Cattle Thief
+ Gilmore Griswold: Wild Western Dynamite
+ Bill Bleatman: Carefree Cowboy Cavalier
+ Bill Bleatman: I Hate You
+ Buck Peggles: The Dip of Death
+ Darwin Drake: Only My Baby of Brilliant Broadway (from John T. Hetherington's book, p.117)
+ Donna Dreamerson: True Hearts and Red Balloons
+ Conway Clayton: True Hearts and Red Balloons
+ Dimples Duffy: Look Out Below
+ Fatty Frisco: Look Out Below
+ Frank Farnsworth: Broken Hearts of the Bitter West
+ Irma Illington: The Burning Stars of Love
+ Pauline Parkwood: No film mentioned. Rush and his friends sat out under the streetlight and debated who was prettier, Pauline Parkwood or Gloria Golden
+ Queentena Quarles: No film mentioned. Rotten Davis claims movie star Queentena Quarles is his girlfriend.
+ Rex Radley: The Burning Stars of Love
+ Skinny Skinner: Only My Baby of Brilliant Broadway (from John T. Hetherington's book, p.117)
+ unknown star(s): Our Friend, the Diamondback Rattler or The Serpent Who Will Submit to Your Sweetest Caresses from an unknown episode
+ unknown star(s):Clutch Me to Your Breast, Substitute Caddy Master Anderson from an unknown episode
+ Wilbert Willison: No film mentioned. Newspaper article says he is the beau of Queentena Quarles.
+ unknown star(s): Give Me the Moonlight and You, Pool and Billiards Trick Shot Artist Williams (unknown episode)
+ Vic had an article he chopped from the paper that said, "Gloria Golden admires men who wear hats with "generous brims".
+ In 1935, a script refers to the theater as the Bijou Talkie Palace.